Okay, I need some guidance here. I found my way to the World Championship of Fantasy Football (WCOFF) site this weekend and am seriously considering getting involved. The WCOFF 2007 will have over 70 leagues of 12 teams that will hold an in-person draft in Vegas (or Atlantic City or Orlando) and compete during weeks 1-11 for the title of World Champion and more than $200,000 in prizes [pic below from 2006 draft from WCOFF site]. If I'm reading everything correctly, anyone can sign up as long as they can come for the draft in September and plunk down approximately $1800. And I'm actually thinking about this - and if I do it, it will be with my husband as my co-manager. For those who don't know us, and even those that do, spending $1800+ is not a trivial thing since we're not exactly rolling around in a bathtub full of benjamins over here...but this is so tempting. I mean this would be priceless - such an experience. Just not sure I can justify doing this. If anyone out ...