So we've got a winner for this year's FFLibrarian Playoff Challenge run by and I'm happy to announce that the winner is someone near and dear to me: my father-in-law! Seems a bit like shenanigans, right? Well what can I say, the man knows his football and he won the competition fair and square. So kudos to my father-in-law, aka Lee Hill, on his victory in the FFLibrarian Playoff Challenge and a $25 Amazon gift card courtesy of the Bruno Boys. After losing pretty much all of his players during the first week of the playoffs, he then created a team comprised entirely of Colts and Saints...hence he had a monster Super Bowl Week and carried off an overall victory by 1 point. The top 5 results are as follows:
- Lee Hill (594 points)
- playball35 (593 points)
- coachnk (590 points)
- SEADOGS (585 points)
- Planet 10 (581 points)