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2014 Average Position Rankings spreadsheet

Friends, I've got a first draft of the 2014 Average Position Rankings spreadsheet up here as a google doc. If you're new to this annual spreadsheet or need a refresher, here's the scoop. I take the top 200 or so overall rankings that are freely offered by a handful of sites and I average out their rankings for each player. I also take the standard deviation to see how a player's rankings differ among experts, and add that in as another component to give you a sense of how much consensus there is on a player.

I drew from the following sites this year: FFToolbox, (both Jamey and Dave), ESPN, FFCalc's ADP, The Fake Football, The Football Girl,,, SI, Yahoo,, and RealTime Fantasy Sports. All offered roughly a top 200 overall ranking and you can see each site's ranking (gathered 8/20/14) in the second tab on the spreadsheet.

You'll see that I really haven't fleshed it out a ton yet - I still have to get both the positions and rankings within position entered in, color code that beast, flesh out some of the details on the individual site rankings tab, etc. But I know many of you need something like this ASAP and I wanted to get it out there.

I'll be back soon with links and such for your draft prep.


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I come to this source every year! Thank you for what you do! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Anonymous said…
I can't thank you enough...
Anonymous said…
So cool - great help.

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Thanks again this year! You're my number 1 pick!!
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Thank you!
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